For New Gun Owners – Wisconsin Castle Doctrine ⋆ MK Protection Strategies

A record number of citizens continue to buy guns.  For new gun owners, Wisconsin Castle Doctrine must be understood.

We heard a story recently, involving a homeowner who saw a man in his driveway trying to steal his vehicle early in the morning. This homeowner grabbed his pistol, came outside of his house onto the driveway, and discharged his weapon at the bad guy. As the bad guy was running away, the homeowner kept shooting.

Everything about that story is bad. First of all, we absolutely cannot use deadly force to protect property in Wisconsin. We can only use deadly force to protect people’s lives. The proper course of action in that scenario is to call the police, not engage with your weapon.  

Now, let’s dive into what Castle Doctrine covers. The dwelling of your home, business that you own or operate, and your vehicle are all covered under Castle Law. No one can forcibly enter those areas and put you in threat of death or great bodily harm. We can use deadly force, as a last resort, to protect lives. If we ever discharge our weapon in self-defense, we will be seriously scrutinized and may expose ourselves to major liability. However, it is our right to protect ourselves and our family, and we will practice that right if necessary.Please note your garage or shed in your yard are not covered under Castle Doctrine, as they are not your four walls, your dwelling.

In closing, be sure to know our Wisconsin gun laws if you plan on preparing to defend your family at home and on your property. Castle Doctrine is much more specific than most may realize.

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