Estimated reading time: 10 minutes Making your own household items can save you a ton of money and make you more self-sufficient if the day comes when certain items are no longer available. In some instances, making your own items ...

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes Pests are one of those things that aren’t just annoying, but they can be a serious problem in your home and garden. Pests such as ants can damage wood by tunneling into it. Pests like ...

Estimated reading time: 21 minutes Have you ever thought about how you would cook food if modern society collapsed? Imagine living in third-world conditions with no electricity. That would mean no microwaves or electric appliances of any kind. If that ...

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes Stockpiling is pretty much the beginning and ending of prepping. I say that because it’s generally the first thing any of us do. We often start out stockpiling even before deciding that we’re going to ...

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes The process of drying and curing meats has been around for centuries. It was critical for food storage before people had refrigerators and freezers. But even today, it’s still a tasty, nutritious snack that is easy ...

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes Did you know there are fruit trees that can grow in five-gallon buckets? Unfortunately, fruit trees can be a bit complicated to grow because of their need for space, sunshine, pollination, and water. As a ...

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes Any power outage brings a range of challenges. The big question we always ask is, how long is it going to last? The first steps usually involve finding a flashlight that works, candles and matches, ...

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes Container gardening may not seem like the ultimate in survival gardening; but for some preppers, it’s the only way to go. Preppers who live in apartments can either choose container gardening or give up on ...

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Prepping as a lone wolf is a much different experience than prepping with a family. A lot of the time, it’s having a family that brings the importance of prepping to light. The trouble is ...

Estimated reading time: 16 minutes It’s not common to think of growing a tree in a bucket, but many people do it all the time. Typically they’re dwarf varieties planted in large planters, containers, and even… buckets. But why grow ...